Record Holders

Bayside Yankees Single Season Individual Record Holders

Category 16 and under 18 and under
Runs Scored 103 (James Rowson’93)103 (Dustin Downs ’98) 83 (Brian Delehanty’97)
Hits 104 (John Hernandez’96) 120 (Brian Delehanty’97)
Slugging Pct. 1.000 (Jim Burt’97) .954 (Doug Hecker ’89)
Batting Avg. .569 (Mario Tariche ’83) .551 (Brian Delehanty ’97)
Doubles 26 (Anthony Giarratano ’98) 24 (Ross Gload ’94)
24 (Tyrone Wayne ’94)
Triples 14 (John Hernandez ’96) 11 (Brian Delehanty ’97)
Home Runs 13 (James Rowson ’93)
13 (Billy Ryan ’97)
24 (Robert Leary ’89)
Rbi’s 74 (Billy Ryan ’97) 88 (Peter Maestrales ’98)
Walks 60 (Nick Burzynski ’96) 50 (John Penatello ’95)
Stolen Bases 71 (Carlton Fleming ’88) 50 (Izzy Cruz ’96)
Wins (Pitching) 14 (John Masciandaro ’93) 12 (Matt Skrypack ’99)
Innings Pitched 86 (Robert Mcdermott ’85)
86 (Adam Schwartz ’96)
94 (Ralph Bonelli ’89)
Strikeouts 92 (Joe Carney ’94) 96 (Billy Koch ’92)
Strikeouts (Game) 16 (Vinnie Martino ’82) 16 (Peter Munro ’93)
16 (Anthony Urrico ’99) 16 (Nick Vallillo ’06)
E.R.A. 0.22 (Jimmy O’connor ’85) 0.54 (Robert Mcdermott ’87)
0.54 (Steven Schwartz ’05)

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